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Marketing Tips

How to Schedule Instagram Posts

How to Schedule Instagram Posts and 5 Tools to Help You

By Digital Marketing, Internet marketing, Internet Marketing Tools, Marketing Tips, Social Media Marketing

Paying to boost your post will always be the fastest way to get your content noticed on Instagram, but implementing a post scheduler can help you gain a foothold on the explore page algorithm. Consistency is key on Instagram. You need to post regularly to build your following and keep people coming back. Ramping up your post volume also increases your opportunities to get found.

Using an Instagram scheduler allows you to visually plan your feed, ensuring your posts are cohesive, do not clash, and keep any patterns or themes intact on your profile.” – Nicola Cronin

As a Toronto digital marketing agency, we know that finding the time to keep your Instagram feed filled with fresh and engaging content is no easy task. Sourcing and editing images, creating an effective caption, and ensuring you target the right audience takes time. 

Scheduling Instagram posts is an effective strategy to ensure you are regularly publishing fresh content and reaching your audience. 

The Advantages of Scheduling Instagram Posts

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search engine optimization

How To Do Keyword Research For A SEO Friendly Website

By Blogging, Digital Marketing, Internet marketing, Marketing Tips, SEO, Social Media Marketing

Search engine optimization (SEO) is one of the most important strategies to ensure you have good search results. If you don’t choose the right keywords on your website, you’ll face challenges driving the right type of traffic and generating high-quality leads. 

Strong SEO/website optimization starts with building the right keyword list. But if you’re a SEO newbie, doing keyword research can be overwhelming.

Here we outline 6 ways to do your keyword research and develop a perfectly optimized website: Read More

online reviews affect marketing in the online era

6 Ways Online Reviews Affect Your Business In The COVID Era

By Digital Marketing, Internet marketing, Marketing Tips

So you need to re-build your sales after COVID yet you have even less marketing budget than before. Or maybe you’re actually in a position where you have a new venture that can thrive in this environment. Where do you start?

The value of reviews cannot be more overstated as a core marketing activity. All you need to do is think about your own personal buying habits to understand the impact they can have. One of the first things you and most of your customers will do when considering a product or service is to read online reviews about the company. 

According to BrightLocal’s 2020 Consumer Review Statistics82% of consumers read online reviews. They spend, on average, 13 minutes and 45 seconds reading reviews before making a decision.

Reviews affect buying decisions. Online reviews for businesses have become an effective strategy to boost your business. There have never been more of your customers online. They are looking at your website, checking out your social media presence, and they are reading reviews about your company. 

As a Toronto digital marketing agency, we outline 6 ways you can leverage online reviews to boost your business amidst the pandemic. Read More

local seo google maps

9 SEO Techniques To Make Your Locations Page Rock!

By Digital Marketing, Internet marketing, Marketing Tips, SEO

Are you worried that your business’ online presence isn’t performing at its highest potential? Not to fear, we’re here to help. Optimizing your business’ location page will help increase your online visibility by improving your rankings in both Google’s local map pack and organic search results. 

But Who Cares…. It’s Just A Locations Page

WRONG!! As we all experience the uncertainty of COVID-19 and the effects it has on our business, it is important to know where to focus your efforts on to remain successful now, and more importantly, come out stronger when this is all over. As a Toronto digital marketing agency, we can tell you one thing for sure… having a strong local SEO strategy is one of the many things that can help your business’ online presence. Location pages are a fundamental component of a comprehensive local SEO strategy. 

9 Rockin’ SEO Strategies

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Toronto marketing agency explains the common misconceptions about metrics reporting

How to Write a Marketing Report That Makes Sense

By Digital Marketing, Internet marketing, Internet Marketing Tools, Marketing Tips, Measurement

As digital marketing consultants, we are occasionally asked to audit the reports of other marketing agencies or experts. Every marketing agency has its own reporting style, but many seem to fall into similar traps which tend to leave the client completely confused about the basic measures of success for their marketing investments. If the client is not able to comprehend campaign performance, they are less likely to buy into the project’s success and give it the time or resources it needs to succeed.

So, which marketing metrics are the most important to track?

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Toronto marketing agency explains how marketers can reach their target audience

3 Ways Marketers Whiff On Their Audience

By Digital Marketing, Internet marketing, Marketing Tips, Social Media Marketing

As a Toronto digital marketing agency, we frequently see great ideas fail to gain traction for a variety of reasons. One of the most common and significant issues that we find with failed digital marketing efforts is a misunderstanding of the audience and their needs. You may have an amazing product, campaign, and messaging, but none of that will matter if you whiff on connecting with your target audience.

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Toronto marketing consultants explain how to improve your business social media profiles.

7 Quick Steps to Get Your Business Found On Social Media

By Digital Marketing, Facebook Marketing, Internet marketing, Marketing Tips, SEO, Social Media Marketing

As a Toronto marketing company, we know that social media marketing is a great way to showcase your business and connect with prospective customers. According to Jake Hundley from Search Engine Watch, “Facebook sees over 1.5 billion searches every day and over 600 million users visit business pages every day.” Social media networks help your business get found and allow you to engage with users more directly than traditional search engines.

If your social media profiles are incomplete or hastily written, they may not live up to their full potential. Ensure your business’ social media profiles are in tip-top shape with these 7 steps: Read More

Video marketing success

Video Marketing: Getting Started With A Goofproof 20 Step Checklist

By Marketing Tips, Video Production

As a Toronto marketing company in the trenches of the digital marketing revolution, we’ve witnessed the rise of video marketing as a key tool in your marketing toolbox. In fact, partly because of algorithm changes, views of branded video content have increased:

  • 258% on Facebook and
  • 99% on YouTube as of June 2017

And, when deployed on your site, videos have been shown to increase conversion by 20% and average order value by 19%.

Sounds great but given that there’s 100 hours of video uploaded to YouTube every minute, how do create video content that will get found and be successful for your business? Here’s a hint; the most important part of the video production happens before the shoot. It’s all about the pre-production!

Here’s a 20 step checklist to successful video marketing pre-production:

1. What Are Your Goals For The Video?

Define how you are going to measure success, for example:
Simple Brand Awareness (Views and Reach)
Actual Purchase of Product or Service. Different goals will have different video marketing strategies.

2. Who Is Your Audience?

Define the buyer persona (Demographic, Hobbies/Interests, Read More