Should you be adding QR codes to your marketing toolkit or is it all just hype? I wanted to know but most statistics I see are – ahem – slightly promotional (QR scans increased 2,340%!). Being a brand mechanic with a fondness for tools that work, I’ve been on the hunt for some real data and so I collected 17 stats on QR codes to share with you.
Quick primer: QR stands for ‘quick response’ and it’s basically a new type of consumer-friendly bar code that offers faster decoding and higher storage of data. Think of it as a secret decoder ring you give your customers.
“Let’s build a mobile app! It’ll go viral!”
This might make the list of top 10 Marketing refrains of the year. It has all the optimism of “Let’s put on a show! I’ll make the costumes. It’ll be fun!”. But by the latest count there are over 400,000 apps for Apple products alone. Even if you can manage to make it through that jungle of competition and get your target customer to download yours, will they keep using it? A recent study by Localytics, found that 26% of downloaded apps were never used again.
This post shares some tips on how to avoid App failure inspired by a great example I came across.
Whether it’s a widget, a mobile app or just a micro-site that provides a unique service, for internet marketing success I suggest there are 3 factors Read More