Lots of folks staring into the crystal ball past few weeks to make predictions. Here’s one I actually buy.
A nice piece in the Globe today makes the case that the better way to achieving customer loyalty is through gamification: rewarding customers by turning your marketing into a game or marketing through an existing game like Foursquare.
The piece is shy on any results but has great examples from Jay-Z and 7-11.
Turning your marketing into a game through badges and simple games is something to consider vs. the traditional buy-10-get-one-free ‘subsidize the loyal’ programs many businesses still use but I don’t think you can lump all the new gaming options together and say they work carte blanche.
If it helps check my thoughts on my guest post on the Search Engine People blog: Which Is Best For Marketing Your Business: Foursquare or Groupon?
Click here to read the Globe article: http://bit.ly/glogame
Bottom-line: Add the question ‘Can we turn it into a game?’ to your marketing checklist.